Thursday, January 17, 2008

Falling On Your Sword

Down here in the bogs of Kilganey we heard a story of how an argument broke out in a pub in Dublin between two men, one armed with a sword and one who had a hammer. Being the clean living sort we do not frequent pubs but, when on the odd occasion we have, we have never seen anyone yet with a sword or indeed a hammer, barring the odd carpenter on a Monday morning seeking a cure. Of course we only went in to use the toilet since there is a lack of loos in Clonmel.

We puzzled over this idea of taking the hammer and sword to the pub. Would it be "Mick, are ya going for a pint? Hould on a minute till I get me hammer, have you got your sword? Ok we'll call a taxi. Yes a taxi for two to the Bog Bar, do you have a sword friendly cab, is there an extra charge for the sword? No? Ok then"

On arrival would you see a sign that said 'neat swords essential' or 'cloakroom -jackets 2 euro, swords 1 euro. If you opted to keep the sword with you where would you put it? "Excuse me sir could you move your sword till I clean the bartop" or "is there some sword on this seat". At least the hammer would fit in your pocket so long as it was not a summers evening when you were dressed only in T shirt, when you might have to hang it by the claw off the barstool.

On the way home you could get a takeaway of swordfish and chips....

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